Saturday 12 January 2013

Heat and coatings don't mix well

Warm weather and coatings for timber floors.
The effective ceiling for coatings is 29C which is when all styles of coatings have levelling issues. Coatings begin to dry well before they have flowed out evenly and the effect can look less that even. [The exception is OSMO oils which are not high build products.]

To work around these temperature concerns in Australia the floor sanders have two options.

Firstly they can coat earlier in the day. This is common practice in summer. It is usual to start as early as possible. By controlling the temperature range at the time of coating they can overcome the problem. So covering large windows that act as heat sources is a good idea.

The second option is the use of so called "wet edge extenders" which give extra drying time. These give a small margin for working at higher temperatures but are not a magic bullet. They extend the working life of the product by a small margin and this can be enough in warmer weather.

Not taking any steps is the route to problems. It's always better to take precautions. It gets very hot in summer! No one can afford to ignore the dangers.

So if the temperature is high think twice before coating and save yourself a lot of difficulty.

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